LAND ECO highly values the scientific and technological innovation, considers which as the strategic engine for the development of enterprises. Taking the oil water separation technology as the cornerstone, LAND ECO adheres to problem-solving orientation, focuses on technical research and development, in order to provide inexhaustible power for sustainable development. LAND ECO has a self-contained laboratory, with facilities to do scale-experiment, and independently test and analysis materials, such as COD, BOD, various heavy metal elements (like copper, nickel, lead, tin, zinc...), phosphate, ammonia nitrogen, oil content, pH and other wastewater indicators.

LAND ECO collects water samples to do pilot test in the laboratory to make sure every product and system supplied is just right for the customer’s need.

GOSA + GOSB Testing Facility

SRC Testing Facility

SRC+GAGS Testing Facility

STC Testing Facility

Catalytic Ozonation Testing Facility